Does Hair Omega DHT Blocker with Biotin Work?

Also known as Vitamin B7, biotin is a popular supplement for hair, skin, and nail growth. It is known to increase keratin production in hair and can increase the rate of follicle growth. As such, most hair loss treatments feature biotin, among other ingredients thought to promote hair growth. However, there are limited studies to suggest biotin can treat or reverse hair loss. You are more likely to find a hair omega DHT blocker with biotin, considering DHT is the main culprit recognized for causing hair loss and male pattern baldness.  Here’s a brief overview of using hair omega DHT blocker with biotin hair loss treatment.

Is Hair Omega DHT Blocker with Biotin Effective?

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone derived from testosterone. It is formed when the enzyme 5AR (5-alpha-reductase) converts testosterone to DHT. The body naturally converts about 5% of its testosterone to DHT, which binds to receptors in the hair follicles, causing hair shrinkage and consequential hair loss. As such, most treatments focus on blocking DHT molecules from binding to receptors in your hair follicles, which temporarily prevents the damages of the hormone on your hair.

However, there’s very little to suggest that using hair omega DHT blocker with biotin can prevent or reverse hair loss. DHT blocking is associated with various side effects and not recommendable, so it is vital to consult your dermatologist before you start using any DHT blocking supplements. On the other hand, biotin is considered safe and offers the inherent benefits of B Vitamins. Still, no research can back up its use for hair loss.

Most hair loss pills feature a wide range of ingredients thought to work together towards promoting hair growth and inhibiting the binding of DHT to receptors in the hair follicles. This includes, saw palmetto, rosemary oil, pumpkin seed oil, and tea tree oil. However, using such medications is linked to many adverse effects, making them unfavorable. Using hair omega DHT blocker with biotin will not guarantee hair loss reversal, and biotin is only effective when consumed and absorbed into the body from food.

Side Effects of Blocking DHT

Blocking DHT has many potential side effects, especially when medications are involved. Although high DHT levels increase the likelihood of experiencing hair loss, it is not recommendable to block or inhibit its production because of the following side effects:

  • Headaches
  • Gynecomastia
  • Increased facial hair
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Enlarged prostate and prostate cancer
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Vertigo
  • Stomach upset and diarrhea
  • Thickening/darkening of upper body hair,


Using hair omega DHT blocker with biotin might result in fuller and thicker hair, but there are no guarantees. It is vital to consult a doctor to review your medical history and determine whether such supplements are safe. More importantly, you should check all ingredients and their side effects. Blocking DHT isn’t safe and can result in many adverse effects without actual benefits. The hair omega DHT blocker with biotin also won’t reverse hair loss or treat male pattern baldness if you are genetically predisposed to baldness.  

Does Propecia Work?

Taking a pill to reduce hair loss is common among men with androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness), and there are many medications in the market, of which Propecia is one. However, there are various factors to consider before you start using hair loss pills, considering their extensive profile of side effects. In this article, we cover the question of does Propecia work, including what the science says, mode of work, and adverse experiences.

What is Propecia?

Before looking at how does Propecia work, it is vital to know what it is. Propecia is the brand name of Finasteride, an FDA-approved formula originally designed to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Patients given Finasteride for BPH (Proscar) also experienced an increase in hair growth, which led to studies to determine its potential for hair loss treatment. Propecia is the hair loss pill that emerged from these studies and available commercially for those looking to reverse hair loss and promote growth. But does Propecia work?

How Does Propecia Work?

Finasteride is a DHT blocker that prevents the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from converting testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a molecule linked with shrinking hair follicles and causing hair loss and attaches to receptors in the hair follicles. When taken orally, Propecia prevents this conversion, thereby preventing DHT damages on your hair follicles. However, users will begin to experience hair loss as soon as they stop taking the pills. Propecia has also been shown to have various side effects that steer people away from oral tablets. Compounding pharmacies can provide a topical version of the formula applied on the scalp, but there’s little to suggest that topical formulas are nearly as effective as the pill. Topical Finasteride is also not approved by the FDA.

The safety of Propecia for Hair Loss

It is vital to review the safety concerns before determining the answer to how does Propecia work. Hair loss pills are known to have a litany of adverse effects, and Propecia isn’t any different. Some of the side effects of using Propecia for hair loss treatment include:

  • Stomach upset and diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Vertigo
  • Darkening and thickening of facial hair
  • Premature and delayed ejaculation
  • Water retention

Hair loss pills have also been reported to cause liver damage, pancreatitis, and bleeding in the brain, although these reports are rare. It is advisable to avoid using hair loss pills before consulting a dermatologist or licensed doctor. The medications have many adverse effects, and there’s no guarantee you’ll reverse hair loss. In most cases, users must take the pill for at least six months before they begin to see any changes.


Still pondering how does Propecia work? Well, it might. According to studies, Propecia can reduce hair loss in 88% of men with alopecia and promotes re-growth in 66%. However, there are limited studies about the efficacy and blocking of DHT can result in many undesirable side effects. As such, patients with androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness should avoid Propecia unless recommended by a licensed doctor. Although the formula works to slow down hair loss, it is no cure for receding hairline, or baldness.

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

The question of how can stress cause hair loss is a popular topic of discussion among aging men and women. On average, the lifespan of hair is about 4.5 years, after which the existing hair falls off and is replaced by a new one. At the age of 30, or even before that, both men and women will start experiencing thinning hair and hair loss. The condition is more common in men than women and is associated with testosterone levels.

The body converts about 5% of its testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) through the actions of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. DHT is a molecule that can attach to receptors in the hair follicles, causing hair shrinkage and balding. Since men have more testosterone, they are more prone to baldness than women. However, hair loss is also linked to many other factors, ranging from genetic predisposition to stress. But can stress cause hair loss? The simple answer is YES. Stress can lead to hair loss.

How Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

More research is needed before we can fully answer how can stress cause hair loss. Currently, hair loss associated with stress occurs in three forms as follows:

1. Telogen Effluvium: This is the most common type of stressed-induced hair loss and is less severe than other forms. In telogen effluvium, significant stress causes hair follicles to stop growing and go into a resting phase, lying dormant for several weeks. If the hair remains in resting mode for 2 to 3 months, it falls off but will grow back in 6 to 9 months. The affected hair will fall off when combing or washing.

2. Trichotillomania: This is one of the most severe forms of hair loss resulting from peak amounts of stress and requires urgent remedy. In trichotillomania, the affected person experiences an irresistible urge to pull out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, lashes, and other areas of the body. Hair pulling is a way for some people to deal with tension, stress, uncomfortable and negative feelings, loneliness, frustration, and boredom. However, hair loss through trichotillomania is rare because of the considerable pain it causes and occurs in patients with severe cases of stress and depression. If this is your answer for how can stress cause hair loss, you should find help immediately to avoid subjecting your body to such pain.

3. Alopecia Areata: This is another less common form of hair loss caused by soaring stress levels. In alopecia areata, severe stress causes the body’s immune system to attack the hair follicles, causing rapid hair loss. White blood cells attacking hair follicles can lead to hair loss in patches or the entire scalp and may also affect hair on other parts of the body. Usually, the hair grows back on its own, although you may require treatment for severe cases of the condition.    


Can stress cause hair loss? Well, the answer is yes. Stress results in a litany of changes in body chemicals and hormones. As such, it is paramount to get prompt help. Hair loss is only one of many things that could go wrong due to severe stress. Physical stress on hair follicles can also result in hair loss. In most cases, stress raises cortisol levels in the body, which in turn lowers testosterone. Studies have shown that low testosterone can impact hair growth, so it is vital to avoid or find help for dealing with stress as soon as possible.

Topical Finasteride for Hair Loss Treatment

Are you looking to use topical Finasteride for hair loss treatment? Finasteride is a popular tablet formulated to treat BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). It comes under the brand name Proscar administered at 5mg daily. The BPH treatment tablet is FDA approved, and users noted that it thickens hair. It was later approved for alopecia studies and has been marketed under the brand name Propecia, which features 0.25% Finasteride for hair loss treatment. Finasteride for hair loss is FDA approved and comes with various side effects. As such, it is vital to consult a doctor or dermatologist before using Finasteride or any other hair loss medication.

What is Topical Finasteride?

Topical Finasteride was designed for people looking to avoid the adverse experiences of using oral Finasteride. As a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, Finasteride has been shown to block testosterone conversion to DHT, preventing DHT-induced hair loss.  However, using the oral pill comes with many side effects, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and premature/delayed ejaculation. Other side effects include stomach upset and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, increased facial hair, vertigo, and prostate enlargement. The side effects steer people away from Finasteride for androgenic alopecia towards the topical formula.

Topical Finasteride is applied on localized areas to reduce hair loss without systemic side effects of DHT blocker pills. However, there is limited evidence to support the efficacy of topical Finasteride. Its mode of action also isn’t known. It has been shown to reduce hair loss by preventing DHT damages on the hair follicles. Note that topical Finasteride is not commercially available for hair loss and yet to get the FDA’s approval. As such, it must be compounded.

Is Topical Finasteride Safe?

There’s little study to determine the efficacy and safety of topical Finasteride. Most studies are for the oral pill designed for BPH and hair loss. Finasteride is a DHT blocker, which prevents the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5AR) from converting testosterone to DHT, the molecule associated with damaging hair follicles and causing hair loss. Unfortunately, blocking DHT has many side effects.

Topical Finasteride is yet to be researched for hair loss and is thought to work like the oral tablet. It prevents DHT from binding to receptors in the hair follicles. Nevertheless, you should not use topical Finasteride for any medical condition, as it lacks research and FDA approval. The side effects of topical Finasteride haven’t been researched, and while the formula might be safer than its oral counterparts, it is advisable to avoid it.


Finasteride is a popular DHT blocker used to treat BPH and available as an oral pill. Finasteride has also shown it can increase hair growth and reduce hair loss caused by increased DHT levels. However, there’s no commercial topical Finasteride, and you must get it from a compounding pharmacy. Research is needed to determine whether topical Finasteride is safe and effective. However, from the side effects of oral Finasteride, people experiencing hair loss may want to stay away from any form of the formula. What’s more, the mode of action, the science behind it, and the long-term side effects aren’t known.

How Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

Can dandruff cause hair loss? Dandruff is a common condition in both men and women, and people with dandruff may or may not experience hair loss. In itself, dandruff doesn’t cause hair loss, but some infections that cause the condition may also result in hair loss. As such, it is vital to get a professional diagnosis from a licensed dermatologist to help you get rid of the condition. Some people who have dandruff go on to develop hair loss, so you might wonder if it is the reason you are losing hair. Here’s a quick overview of dandruff and its relationship with hair loss in men and women.

What is Dandruff?

Before we explore the question of can dandruff cause hair loss, it is vital to define what it is. Dandruff is a disorder that leads into a scaly skin on your scalp. The loose skin often falls off, leaving white flakes and residue on your shoulder when you comb your hair. There are many known causes of dandruff, ranging from hair-washing habits to dry skin and underlying conditions. Some of the most profound causes include:

Dry Skin: A dry scalp may result in small flakes that fall off as dandruff. You might not realize you have dandruff until you comb your hair, as dry skin doesn’t have any other symptoms. The condition doesn’t cause inflammation or redness.

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Refers to a condition that causes rashes on the scalp. The rashes are red, scaly, and oily, leaving white or yellow flakes when they dry up.

Contact Dermatitis: Some people are sensitive to specific ingredients and products, including hair shampoos, dies, and oils. These ingredients can irritate the scalp, causing red, flaky skin and dandruff.

Malassezia: Most people have the Malassezia fungus on their scalps, and it is generally nothing to worry about. However, the fungus may irritate your scalp causing extra skin cells to grow. When the skin cells die, they can result in dandruff.

Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

The question of can dandruff cause hair loss is common among those experiencing androgenic alopecia accompanied by increased dandruff. Most people are worried that the dandruff is causing them to lose hair, which is often not the case. Dandruff does not lead to hair loss, but the two are mutual. Dandruff tends to be itchy, and if you scratch your scalp, you might end up injuring your follicles and experiencing some hair loss. Nonetheless, dandruff won’t result in balding.

Some infections that cause dandruff may also cause hair loss, so having dandruff should be a concern, especially if it is accompanied by rashes, itchiness, redness, blisters, and other unusual symptoms. However, it is essential to get a diagnosis to determine if there’s an underlying infection or reason to worry. This is a better solution than looking up results from your ‘can dandruff cause hair loss’ web search.


Still wondering how can dandruff cause hair loss? The answer is dandruff won’t cause baldness or significant hair loss. You might lose a few follicles from the constant scratching and combing. However, dandruff could be a symptom of an underlying scalp or skin infection that might result in hair loss, so it is crucial to seek the help of a licensed dermatologist.

Propecia Side Effects in Hair Loss Treatment

Propecia (Finasteride) is an oral pill for those looking to slow down hair loss and promote hair re-growth. Finasteride was used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, and users also experienced an increase in hair growth. It was later studied for treating androgenic alopecia and approved for the same. However, Propecia side effects have steered many away from the pill. Although pharmacists can compound a topical Finasteride formula, it isn’t approved by the FDA, and you won’t find it in any drug store. Here’s a brief overview of Propecia for hair loss treatment and its profile of adverse experiences.

Propecia Side Effects

Propecia pills are DHT blockers that prevent the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5AR) from converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. The body converts about 5% of its natural testosterone to DHT molecules, which can attach to receptors in the hair follicles, causing shrinkage and hair loss. Preventing DHT binding is considered effective in preventing hair loss, but more research is needed. Also, blocking DHT using pills like Propecia has many drawbacks. Some of the known Propecia side effects include:

  • Impotence
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Premature or delayed orgasm
  • Swelling of the hands, feet, and face
  • Gynecomastia (swelling and tenderness in your breast)
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rash
  • Runny nose
  • Stomach upset and diarrhea

The long-term Propecia side effects are yet to be studied. However, on rare occasions, hair loss pills have been reported to cause liver damage, pancreatitis and many other weird symptoms that you can hear from different indivituals. As such, it is essential to go through this article before you start using this medication. Propecia isn’t recommended for anyone below 18 years. It is also deemed unsafe for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Propecia Alternatives

If you are experiencing hair loss, it is only logical to find treatment and slow down the process. However, Propecia side effects are constant threats you must not ignore. Although the pill might reduce hair loss and promote re-growth, it also leaves you with many negative health issues. Hair loss results from various factors, ranging from genetic predisposition to changes in hormones, medical conditions, medications, and even stress. It is crucial to get a diagnosis to determine what’s weakening your hair follicles and causing hair loss. Once this is determined, you can get a customized treatment to help you slow down the process. Some of the common alternatives to hair loss pills like Propecia include extensions, hairpieces, hair transplant, and diet. However, each solution has drawbacks, so you should review each comprehensively before adopting any treatment. Get more facts on how to deal with hair loss from this article. 


Propecia may reduce hair loss and promote the growth of new hair follicles. However, there are no guarantees, and the medication probably won’t reverse receding hairlines or baldness if you are genetically predisposed to androgenic alopecia. Propecia side effects are also a reason to worry. It is advisable to stay away from hair loss pills and get a professional diagnosis to find the best solution for your unique situation.

How Does Wearing a Hat Cause Hair Loss?

Does wearing a hat cause hair loss? Many studies have been conducted to understand male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia. However, there’s limited research to determine whether wearing a hat has anything to do with baldness or receding hairline, or shrinking hair. The question of does wearing a hat cause hair loss requires isolated studies. However, as it is, dermatologists generally agree that hats won’t result in baldness. The causes of hair loss have been identified as follows:

  • Aging
  • Genetic predisposition to baldness
  • Hormonal changes
  • Certain medications and medical conditions

Although wearing a hat isn’t thought to cause baldness, some circumstances may make it easier to stress hair follicles and cause hair loss. Here’s a quick overview of the relationship between hair loss and wearing a hat.

How Does Wearing a Hat Cause Hair Loss?

Also known as traction alopecia, hair loss caused by wearing a hat may occur if your hat is too tight to an extent where it constantly pulls or causes tension in your hair follicles. Over time, the repetitive stress may cause the hair follicles to fall off, resulting in hair loss. The chances are slim, considering how discomforting wearing a tight or cold hat is.  However, anything that pulls and tags on your hair can result in hair loss. As such, it is essential to find a proper fitting hat to be on the safer side.

What the Research Says

As aforesaid, there are limited studies designed to answer the question of does wearing a hat cause hair loss. In one study featuring 92 pairs of twins, researchers found out that the twins wearing a hat lost less hair than those who didn’t wear one. More research is needed to determine if wearing a hat has anything to do with hair loss other than traction alopecia. Existing studies seem to point to the abovementioned factors (age, genetics, medications, etc.), so you shouldn’t worry if you prefer wearing a hat.

What to Do About Hair Loss

The answer to how does wearing a hat cause hair loss is often sought by those experiencing the condition and wondering whether it is because of the hat. In most cases, the patients want confirmation that their hat is responsible for the hair loss, which is never the case. It is advisable to speak to your dermatologist and identify what is causing your hair follicles to fall off. Doctors have identified several risk factors, which stretch from high levels of stress to some medication and exercise.

You can also stop wearing the hat to observe any change, but the best solution is to find professional help from a doctor. Some hair loss cases are reversible, while others, especially those involving genes, may require advanced treatment and surgery. Even so, hair loss treatments come with various side effects, so you should review each solution thoroughly and involve a licensed dermatologist or physician before using any pill or supplement.


Still wondering how does wearing a hat cause hair loss? It is natural to fret about losing hair, but the most important thing is to find safe solutions. Aging, changes in hormones, medications and medical conditions, stress, and some hair products are all risk factors for hair loss. Physical strains from wearing a hat may weaken follicles and speed up hair loss. Nonetheless, the chances are rare, and you’ll probably lose hair whether or not you wear a hat.

DHT Blocking Shampoo Safety and Efficacy

Are you looking for an effective DHT blocking shampoo to help you reverse hair loss? According to studies, DHT, a naturally occurring hormone derived from the male hormone testosterone, can bind to receptors in the hair follicles, causing hair shrinkage and balding. People with a genetic predisposition to hair loss experience more DHT binding and blocking the hormone may protect hair follicles from the damages. However, if you are shopping for a hair loss shampoo, it is vital to consult your dermatologist and research each ingredient in the bottle. Here’s a quick overview of what a DHT blocking shampoo is, its safety and efficacy in preventing or reversing hair loss.

Is DHT Blocking Shampoo Effective?

DHT or dihydrotestosterone is produced when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone. The body naturally converts about 5% of testosterone to DHT. High levels of DHT are known to damage hair follicles, causing shrinkage and hair loss. As such, blocking DHT can prevent hair loss triggered by an increase of the hormone. DHT blockers don’t inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Instead, they prevent the hormone from binding to receptors in the hair follicles.

The efficacy of DHT shampoos has not been well researched and there are no studies to suggest they will prevent hair loss or reverse it. Blocking DHT has a litany of potential side effects and not advisable outside the recommendation of a certified doctor, such as a dermatologist. However, some ingredients found in hair loss shampoos have been shown to block DHT. These include:

Ketoconazole: Refers to an anti-fungal common in shampoos used for dandruff and psoriasis.

Saw Palmetto: An herbal ingredient that has demonstrated DHT blocking properties and common in hair loss medications.

Biotin: Biotin vitamins, such as vitamin H, B7, and B8 (lavender oil), have been shown to promote hair growth.

Other ingredients used in hair loss treatments include rosemary oil, pumpkin seed oil, and tea tree oil. Using a DHT blocking shampoo may be able to reduce the shrinking of hair follicles, assuming your hair loss is due to high levels of DHT. However, there’s no proof they work, and it is advisable to consult a doctor before using any DHT blocking shampoo.

Is DHT Blocking Shampoo Safe?

DHT blockers come in various forms, including pills, foams, solutions, and shampoos. Using a DHT blocking shampoo may successfully deter the hormone from binding to receptors in your hair follicles. Unfortunately, DHT blocking shampoos have adverse effects, including headaches, gynecomastia, rashes, thickening/darkening of upper body hair, increased facial hair, and burning on the scalp. Other side effects include nausea, vomiting, erectile dysfunction, vertigo, stomach upset, diarrhea, prostate cancer, water retention, and congestive heart failure. In rare cases, DHT blockers have been reported to cause liver damage, pancreatitis, and bleeding in the brain. Note that some of the adverse effects are from DHT blocker pills rather than shampoos.


It is essential to research all ingredients in the DHT blocking shampoo before using it. More importantly, you should consult a doctor who can evaluate your medical history and determine the best hair loss treatment, considering DHT blockers have many potential side effects and lack substantial research to suggest they are effective. Also, you’ll continue to lose hair as soon as you stop using DHT blockers, and the shampoos neither reverse hair loss nor prevent it in patients with a genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness.

What Is a DHT Blocker and How Does It Work?

If you are looking for hair loss treatment, you’ve probably come across DHT blockers. But what is a DHT blocker and how do they work to prevent hair loss and baldness? That’s precisely what’s covered in this article, including an overview of the popular options and safety concerns. DHT or dihydrotestosterone is a naturally occurring molecule that occurs in both men and women. It is formed when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone. The body converts about 5% of testosterone to DHT and both low and high levels of the molecule have various side effects.

What is a DHT Blocker?

As the name suggests, DHT blockers block the formation of DHT by preventing 5-alpha-reductase from converting existing testosterone. DHT blockers come in various forms and prevalent in hair loss pills and medications. They come as supplements, but you can find foods, herbs, essential oils, diets, and shampoos that help to regulate the levels of DHT. This article focuses on DHT blocker medication and pills formulated to prevent hair loss.

Popular DHT Blockers

You’ll encounter many options when you type “what is a DHT blocker” on your browser. The most common offers are pills like Propecia. However, there are many shampoos, topical oils, and oral medications that block DHT. Here are the popular DHT blockers in the market:

  • Pills: Includes medications like Propecia (Finasteride).
  • Creams: Includes Saw Palmetto DHT Mega Hair Growth Cream.
  • Foods: Includes green tea, coconut oil, pumpkin seeds, onions, turmeric, and soybean.
  • Herbs: Includes Nasya kriya, Ginko Biloba, bhiringraj, stinging nettle, peppermint, horsetail, chamomile, burdock, and more.
  • Essential Oils: Includes rosemary oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, pumpkin seed oil, peppermint oil, and more.
  • Diets: Includes watermelon, mango, tomato, carrot, bananas, sesame seeds, black pepper, and more.
  • Others: Moderate exercise and ayurvedic massage may reduce the level of DHT.

How DHT Blockers Work

Answering the question of what is a DHT blocker also requires explaining how they work. Since DHT is formed when 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone, some blockers work by preventing this conversion. However, most hair loss pills prevent existing DHT from binding to 5-alpha-reductase receptors, including 5-AR receptors in your hair follicles. DHT is known to shrink hair follicles and cause various other side effects. However, for this to happen, it must attach to 5-AR receptors, and blockers are designed to prevent this from happening.

Are DHT Blockers Safe?

There are many DHT blockers include diets and foods that are generally safe. However, most DHT blocker foods aren’t effective, and there is limited proof they work on humans. Most studies are preclinical, done in test tubes or using animals. On the other hand, DHT blocker pills and hair medications have many adverse effects and aren’t recommendable, despite their effectiveness. Some of the common side effects of using hair loss pills and DHT blockers include:

  • Headache
  • Stomach upset
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Vertigo
  • Decreased libido

DHT blockers have also been reported to cause liver damage, pancreatitis, bleeding in the brain, and death on rare occasions.


The simplest answer to what is a DHT blocker is a treatment designed to prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Some also inhibit existing molecules from binding to 5-alpha-reductase receptors in the hair follicles. They are used in hair loss treatment but carry adverse effects. Most ingredients used in DHT blockers have limited studies, so it is vital to consult a doctor before using such medications.

Minoxidil Side Effects

Minoxidil is one of the common names you’ll encounter when looking for male pattern baldness treatments and considered effective in preventing hair loss. However, there are many minoxidil side effects to worry about before you start using the medication. Minoxidil has been shown to result in adverse effects that make it an unfavorable choice when looking for hair loss treatment. Here’s a quick overview of how it works and the profile of side effects.

What is Minoxidil?

As aforesaid, minoxidil is a treatment for male pattern baldness. It is available as a form and solution that is applied topically on the affected areas. The foam and 2% minoxidil solution are effective in rejuvenating hair growth in women with thinning hair. They fall under a class of drugs known as vasodilators. Unfortunately, it is not known how minoxidil works to rejuvenate hair growth, unlike other hair loss treatments like DHT blockers. The drug is not effective in treating receding hairline or baldness at the front of the scalp. Still, minoxidil is popular among men and women suffering from hair loss,

Minoxidil Side Effects

Minoxidil has been shown to boost hair growth and resolve thinning hair. However, it is not recommended to users 18 years and below. Hair loss treatments are also unsafe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The most notable Minoxidil side effects include:

  • Itching and skin rashes
  • Acne spots at the site of application
  • Burning of the scalp
  • Soreness and inflammation at the root of the hair
  • Facial hair growth
  • Swelling of the face
  • Reddening of the skin
  • Increased hair loss

It is worth noting that minoxidil works for certain types of male pattern baldness. Minoxidil side effects may also feature rare symptoms when your body absorbs more than required. These include:

  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting
  • Changes in vision, including blurred vision
  • Irregular/fast heartbeat
  • Headache
  • Numbness or tingling of hands, feet, and face
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Flushing
  • Swelling of hands, feet, lower legs, and face

Symptoms might not show in all patients. It is advisable to contact your doctor if you experience any abnormal minoxidil side effects once you start using the medication.

Minoxidil Alternatives

With such an extensive list of potential minoxidil side effects, it isn’t the ideal solution for hair loss and baldness. There are many other options, with fewer adverse effects, including hair extensions, hairpieces, and DHT inhibitors and blockers. However, these options carry their unique side effects, so it is often advisable to stay away from hair loss pills, supplements, and medications. Instead, those who experience hair loss can target natural remedies and foods known to promote hair growth and protect follicles from DHT damages.


Minoxidil is an approved drug you can use to thicken hair and promote growth. It also has other medical uses, including lowering high blood pressure (hypertension). However, the many potential minoxidil side effects and drawbacks pose a reason to worry. It is vital to consult your doctor and determine whether the drug is safe for you. Like most hair loss treatments, it has interactions with other medications and not suitable for those who have specific allergies.